
To appropriately abide by the FTC’s Revised Endorsement Guides, us gals over at Evergreen and Aperture wanted to clearly state the following:

FTC Disclaimer as of July 31st, 2011:

On some blog posts you may see a disclaimer stating that a product was sent for our review. Although we are open to accepting free product samples, we do not accept any paid compensation to review a specific product in a positive manner. At Evergreen and Aperture our goal is to discuss our experiences and passions while sharing our honest opinions about them. We want our readers to feel as if they are receiving an honest opinion about a product from a friend rather than a stranger. Therefore we promise not to falsify any reviews for financial gain. After all, we would not want to read a falsified review, so why should you?

If you would like to learn more about the revised guidelines and see common questions people are asking, please view the The FTC’s Revised Endorsement Guides: What People are Asking page.